Use of mobile phones and devices by students
Indooroopilly State High School accepts that Parents/Carers give their children mobile phones to protect them from everyday risks involving personal security and safety. It is acknowledged that providing a student with a mobile phone gives Parents/Carers reassurance that they can contact their student if they need to speak to them urgently outside of school hours.
Parents/Carers are reminded that in cases of emergency during the school day, the school office remains the preferred point of contact. School staff will ensure students are contacted quickly and assisted in any appropriate way.
Mobile phones must be 'Away for the Day' during school hours.
Indooroopilly State High School is committed to reducing the distraction of mobile phones and other devices to provide optimal learning environments for all students. Student phones and certain wearable devices such as smartwatches, need to be switched off and 'away for the day', including during break times. Further information on the 'Away for the Day' Mobile Devices Policy can be found here (PDF, 222KB).
Exemptions will be available for digital learning opportunities or in exceptional circumstances, including reasons related to disability, health and wellbeing. Exemption application forms can be found here (PDF, 202KB).
All mobile phones and earpods/headphones must be kept in students' bags during the day unless directed by the classroom teacher for curriculum purposes.
Students who do not meet the expectations in this policy will have their device confiscated. The mobile device would be taken to Student Services for subsequent collection by the student or parent/carer.