Indooroopilly State High School is a non-uniform school with student dress standard approved by our Parents and Citizens’ Association. The policy provides a framework for an acceptable standard of dress that promotes a quality learning environment for students and staff and the good image of the school in the community. In developing the Student Dress Standard Policy, consideration has been given to:
- Our school values
- Queensland Health Sun Safe policy;
- Workplace Health and Safety considerations;
- Suitability of clothing for a learning environment or workplace.
Students choosing to attend this school and enjoy its non-uniform dress standard accept that it is the Principal’s responsibility to arbitrate in ensuring that clothing meets appropriate workplace standards as well as our school values, specifically, Each person’s dignity and Quality learning.
Non-compliance with the dress standard will be considered a failure to comply with school procedures and direct consequences will result. It is important to note that these same standards also apply when travelling to and from school, during exam blocks, excursions and when temporarily visiting the school for any reason.
Exceptions to some of the requirements below will occur in various sporting activities where team uniforms or standards are involved, and in some practical lessons, such as for particular activities in the Performing Arts.
- Shirts, tops, jumpers and dresses must always cover the front, back and sides of the student, not restricting the course of normal movement throughout the day.
- Necklines of shirts, tops, jumpers and dresses must provide Sun Safe coverage and be suitable for a workplace. Shirts, tops, jumpers and dresses must cover any under layers.
- Shoulders must be covered at all times. Singlets, spaghetti straps, off the shoulder and similar tops are permitted as an under layer.
- Torn, transparent, ripped or garments with visible holes are not acceptable. Garments carrying inappropriate (e.g. obscene) images or words, or promoting alcohol, tobacco, criminal activity or advocating violence or hate speech are not acceptable. This is a general stipulation for all garments, including shirts, tops, jumpers and dresses. Frayed hems are acceptable.
- Skirts, shorts and dresses must be long enough to allow adequate coverage to at least mid-thigh length when standing for all the normal movements required in a school day, inclusive of all curriculum and non-curriculum activities. Skirts, shorts, pants, jeans and dresses must not be torn or have visible holes. Frayed hems are acceptable.
- Tights, leggings, jeggings and lycra pants/shorts with opaque coverage to at least mid-thigh length are acceptable.
- Undergarments beneath shorts, skirts, pants, jeans or dresses should never be visible; bike shorts, exercise shorts, leggings, stockings or tights can be visible with adequate coverage to at least mid-thigh length.
- Torn or ripped garments are not acceptable. Tights or stockings that have visible holes or tears are not acceptable.
- Enclosed footwear with a covered heel and toe must be worn at all times. Thongs, sandals, backless shoes and platform shoes are a workplace health and safety risk and are not permitted.
- In practical classes, teachers will designate a safety standard required for footwear.
- Students with foot injuries are not automatically exempt from wearing enclosed footwear. Parents are required to contact the Year Coordinator to discuss appropriate footwear in this circumstance.
- To comply with normal workplace practice, students are able to wear their preferred headwear, such as hats, caps, beanies, bandanas and hoods on jackets at all times except during class and at assemblies. Exceptions are made where the headwear can be demonstrated to be part of medical, sensory, religious or cultural practice.
- Hats should be worn when outdoors, particularly when participating in HPE and sport activities.
Jewellery and Accessories
- Earrings identified as a health and safety risk are not permitted. Simple studs and sleepers in the ear are permitted.
- Visible facial piercings, other than a small nose stud, are not permitted. One small nose stud is permitted. No other visible facial piercings are permitted.
- Accessories such as restrictive or inappropriate pointy or sharp necklaces, chains or other forms of jewellery are not permitted.
- Rings that affect the student's ability to write or use other equipment should not be worn.
- Teachers of practical subjects may require that any accessories and jewellery be removed for that class and to maintain compliance with workplace health and safety standards.
- Makeup should be subtle; extreme makeup, inclusive of very pronounced eyeliner and eyeshadow, is not permissible.
- A studded or sharp item made from metal or other materials affixed to belts, jewellery or accessories are not permissible as they are a workplace health and safety risk.
- Tattoos must be covered at all times.
- Students are permitted to wear lycra pants or shorts when participating in practical physical activities.
- Hats and sunscreen should be worn at all times when participating in HPE and sport activities.
- In practical classes, hair may be asked to be tied back to comply with workplace health and safety requirements.
Breach of the dress standard
A student who breaches the dress standard will be issued
with a warning for a minor breach with direction to comply with the dress
standard. For a major breach where
compliance requires a change of clothing, the student will be directed to
Student Services to change into clothing that meets the student dress standard
and the communication will be recorded on the student’s OneSchool profile as a
‘Contact’. Failure to comply with the dress standard in repeated instances will
result in the application of a consequence for non-compliance with school