Indooroopilly State High School actively recognises and supports its Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. The school develops relationships with the elders of the Turrbal and Jagera people the traditional owners of the Indooroopilly area.
Our school acknowledges the importance of building and maintaining authentic relationships and partnerships between the school community, parents/caregivers and the broader Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities as being of fundamental significance to and underpinning the school’s EATSIPs (Embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives) agenda. This focus is instrumental to positive outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and genuine processes of embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives.
The school has an enthusiastic committee that explores and establishes programs that support students. The committee follow Closing the Gap protocols and the implementation of the EATSIPS agenda. Indooroopilly High invites interested staff, parents and guardians to join the EATSIPS committee. Our current members are:
- Emma Siepen - First Nations Liaison Officer
- Justin Cole - Head of Year 8
- Melinda Wallace - Teacher, Design & Tech
- Jordi Cairol Peroz - Spanish Teacher
- Kate Vale - Deputy Principal, Year 7
- Catherine Roos
- Sasha Jessop - English Teacher
- Troy Gorman - Head of International Students
We would also like to acknowledge our partners who strengthen our community.
- Our Elders
- The University of Queensland
- Queensland University of Technology
- Griffith University
- Deadly Choices
- Aimes Mentoring
- Department of Education and Training
- Benarrawa Community Development Association
- 97.8 FM Radio
We believe that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge provides creative, engaging and diverse learning contexts for students to value and appreciate the contribution by the world’s oldest continuous living cultures to past, present and emerging technologies. To maximise student potential and outcomes, the school has an Indigenous Student Support Teacher Aide. The Teacher Aide is responsible for developing an Individualised Education Plan (IEP) for the student and sharing this with the students, teachers and other relevant staff in the school. Students may also receive support in their classes from teachers and teacher aides and may be offered tutorials to support their learning when required. In addition, Indooroopilly State High School staff and students have the opportunity to engage in significant days of relevance to all including United Nations Day, Close the Gap Day, Sorry Day and NAIDOC Week.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Services at ISHS (PDF, 485KB)
Reconciliation Action Plan (PDF, 2.78MB)