
P&C Association


​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Parents and Citizens’ Association is a forum for our community, especially parents, to demonstrate a real ownership of their school.

Each term, a General Meeting is scheduled in Week 3 and Week 7 and held in the Student Centre​ at 6.30pm.

2025 Meeting Dates

  • 12 February
  • 19 March AGM * Rescheduled due to Cyclone Alfred and potential aftermath
  • 7 May
  • 4 June 
  • 30 July
  • 27 August
  • 22 October
  • 19 November

Executive Committee

President: Maryanne Jardine

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I am a mum and chauffer to Miss 13 (Year 8) and Miss 10 (Year 5).  Columns and rows are artwork for this accountant, and I relish the Excel life. Of all the jobs and volunteer roles I've held, one common thread weaving them together is a belief that strong communities make a difference; I firmly believe we are all leaders in our community and I walk the path of a servant leader.  

One thing that has truly struck me about the Indro High community is the vibe here. I'm still experimenting with how to truly capture it in words. For now, I hope to do the vibe justice by calling out the sense of humility that I see at this school (in both staff and students) matched with the energised way of getting things done. 

We see this in the students with their diverse range of achievements and we've seen it in the parent community too. With the over-crowding issues and classrooms shortfall faced in December 2023, we saw a willingness from parents to come together, to rally for change and be heard as one voice.  And it seems like that rally might be needed again (more to come on that).  If you want a stronger connection to this community, you can:

  • become a P&C Member. It's free to join and doing so means you'll receive the meeting agendas and minutes so that you can stay up to date with current issues.
  • come along to a P&C Meeting - all parents & carers are welcome to attend P&C meetings to listen and contribute to discussions in real time. 
  • sign-up​ to volunteer at the Tuckshop.
  • offer to help any of the Vice-Presidents with an idea, event or project they are working on. Or simply send any of our Executive Team members a note if you see something they do and you want to thank them. You can contact our Vice-Presidents of Tuckshop, Community, Communications or Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at the email addresses set out below.  Maryanne can be contacted via her P&C email address:

Vice President (Community): Michael Richards

Michael has over 7 years of experience as an executive officer with a primary school P&C Association, including serving as Secretary and President. In 2023, Michael took on the executive position of Secretary, for the ISHS, P&C Association. He has a daughter studying at Indro. ​Michael can be contacted via his P&C email address:

​​Treasurer: Anthony Whyte

Anthony is the new P&C treasurer, dad to three at the school (Years 7, 10 and 12) and a partner at the accounting firm BDO. About 7 years ago, there was that awkward silence at the Ironside State School P&C AGM after they called for a treasurer… and then everyone looked at the only accountant in the room. That awkward silence and those looks of expectation turned out to be blessings in disguise. They opened Antony's eyes to the true value of the P&C as an opportunity to be closer to his children's education, to work with the school leadership to have a positive impact at the school, and to form closer connections with the community including some lifelong friendships. Anthony can be contacted via his P&C email address:

Secretary: Annika Stanley ​ 
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An​nika is mum to two children at Indro, in Years 8 & 11, and will welcome two more from Ironside SS into the Indro school community in the coming years. Having previously served as Assistant to the Treasurer within the P&C, Annika's dedication and eagerness to support the school community have propelled her into the role of Secretary. Her active involvement reflects her strong belief in the importance of parental engagement in enriching the educational experience for all students at ISHS. Annika believes that participating in the P&C fosters a wonderful sense of community, and encourages all parents of ISHS students to consider joining our upcoming meetings and social events. Annika can be contacted via her P&C email address:

Vice President (Tuckshop): Dorinda (Dorrie) Weinig ​

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Dorrie is mum to one son at Indro in Year 11 in the IB program. She and her family (husband, son, and dog) moved to Brisbane in August 2022 from Denver, Colorado, USA. Dorrie has been involved with the tuckshop since her son started at ISHS.  Originally she volunteered to become familiar with her son's school and to meet new people. She has increased her involvement to serve as the P&C Vice President - Tuckshop. Her main task is to support the convenor as the liaison between the P&C and the tuckshop. She believes that the tuckshop should provide healthy and cost effective food options for as many kids as possible at ISHS and that the tuckshop serves as a common point for increasing community involvement with the P&C. Dorrie can be contacted via her P&C email address:

Co-Vice Presidents (Communications and Engagement)​: 
Michaela Sargent 

Michaela has two daughters at Indro, with one in Year 9 and the other in Year 11. Her eldest daughter participated in the Spanish immersion program, while her youngest is an enthusiastic member of the volleyball team. Growing up in Taringa, Michaela has deep roots in the community, with both of her daughters having attended Ironside. 

Michaela loves volunteering at the tuckshop and P&C events, and she is a passionate advocate for well-resourced public education for all children. In her current role, she focuses on supporting her Co-Communications VP to ensure that ISHS parents and carers stay well-informed about important issues and events at the school. She wants to encourage parent involvement in supporting the school through various volunteering opportunities, so that parents get a greater insight into the school experience of their children.

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Parents are also most welcome as volunteers in our Tuckshop, which raises funds for P&C Projects.

Use this web page to sign up for a time slot to volunteer: ISHS P&C Tuckshop Helpers signup sheet​​​


For further information about the P&C please contact
Last reviewed 08 March 2025
Last updated 08 March 2025