Years 10, 11 and 12
Our Senior Secondary Curriculum is outlined in our comprehensive Senior Course Guide.
Indooroopilly SHS students in Senior Secondary are encouraged to design their program of study from the commencement of Year 10 towards the areas where they experience success and enjoyment.
Senior Secondary students are engaged in six subjects or their equivalent throughout Years 10, 11 and 12.
Year 10
Senior Secondary commences at Indooroopilly in Year 10 as students choose each of their subjects to match their interests and readiness.
Students select one subject from five offerings in the English Learning Area:
Essential English, English, Literature, English as an Additional Language or Dialect or Preparatory International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme English if the student applies and is selected for the IB Preparation Programme.
Students also select one subject from four offerings in the Mathematics Learning:
Essential Mathematics, General Mathematics, Mathematical Methods or Year 11 Mathematical Methods if selected for the ATAR Leap Program or a graduate from the Mathematics and Engineering Acceleration Program.
Year 10 students select four subjects from a comprehensive array of preparatory courses including:
Ancient History, Certificate III Aviation (Remote Pilot), Biology, Business Core Studies, CISCO Networking Academy, Chemistry, Chinese, Chinese Foundations, Dance, Design, Digital Solutions, Drama, Economics, Film, Television and New Media, Food Technology, Geography, Certificate II in Hospitality, Legal Studies, Certificate I in Manufacturing Pathways, Modern History, Music, Physical Education, Psychology, Physics, Spanish, Spanish Foundations, Visual Art.
Senior Secondary Excellence Programs
Indooroopilly State High School offers motivated and academically able Year 10 students the opportunity to apply to either;
Commence a Year 11 course and accelerate their learning in the Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) Leap Program, or,
Get ready for an internationally recognized pre-university qualification in our International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB) Preparation Program.
Aerospace and Aviation - Aerospace Systems aims to raise students’ awareness of the aviation and aerospace industries, encourage students’ future participation in the aerospace industry and increase the skills and knowledge that will enhance students’ future employment prospects.
Cisco Networking Academy Program is a two-year course offered by our school in conjunction with Cisco Systems, a world leading manufacturer of networking equipment. Students who undertake the course learn to construct and configure Local and Wide Area Networks (LANs and WANs) using state of the art equipment.
Mechatronics introduces students to the construction and programming of robots to perform simple tasks such as line following, searching and retrieving, and data logging.
Application Process
Students and parents who are interested in a Senior Secondary Excellence
Programs are invited to attend the information sessions held as part of our Senior Subject Selection Expo. Completed application forms close Friday 2 August 2024, 4pm with submission of the Application Form either in person at the Administration Building or via Students who are shortlisted for a Program will be interviewed in Term Three by a member of the Senior Executive Team. More information is available below and via our Frequently Asked Questions document.The Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) Leap Program
Academically able Year 9 students ready for their next learning challenge are invited to commence a Year 11 course at the start of Year 10. Selected applicants will study their chosen Year 11 subject with Year 11 students and complete their chosen Year 12 General Subject by the end of Year 11. In Year 12, students may opt to commence additional extension studies at school or at University.
Students in the ATAR Leap Program are supported by a tailored Connect program in Years 10, 11 and 12 where they will work with other students who have accelerated their learning in other courses of study.
The Year 11 General Subjects available for Year 9 students to apply for as part of the ATAR Leap Program include:
- Aerospace Systems
- Ancient History
- Chinese
- Dance
- Drama
- Economics
- Film, Television and New Media
- Geography
- Legal Studies
- Literature
- Mathematical Methods
- Modern History
- Music
- Physical Education
- Spanish
- Specialist Mathematics
- Visual Art
International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB) Preparation Programme
Year 9 students who would like to pursue the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme are invited to apply for our Year 10 IB Preparation Programme.
Selected students will study Preparatory International Baccaleaurette English as well as five subjects that lead to courses available in our Years 11 and 12 IB Diploma Programme. Year 10 IB Preparation Programme students will be supported in their learning pathway through a differentiated Connect program that introduces students to the IB Learner Profile, Theory of Knowledge, the Extended Essay and the Creativity Action Service program.
Year 10 IB Preparation Programme students will also choose one subject from the following groupings:
- Language A: Preparatory IB English
- Language Acquisition: Chinese, Chinese Year 11 (for Chinese Acceleration graduates) Spanish, Spanish Foundations or Spanish Year 11 (for Spanish Immersion graduates)
- Individuals and Society: Modern History, Ancient History, Business Foundations or Psychology
- Sciences: Biology or Physics. Students may also choose Chemistry instead of Music or Visual Art
- Mathematics: Mathematical Methods, General Mathematics or Year 11 Math Methods (for Mathematics & Engineering Acceleration graduates)
- The Arts Visual Art, Music or Year 11 Music (for Music Acceleration students from 2023), or Chemistry
Junior Secondary Programs of Excellence Graduates
Students who demonstrate success in our Junior Secondary Programs of Excellence in Spanish Immersion, Mathematics & Engineering Acceleration, Chinese Acceleration and Music Acceleration will be invited to continue their studies in their chosen program. These Year 10 students will study their Year 11 course together as a Year 10 grouping.
Junior Secondary Programs of Excellence Graduates will either join with other ATAR Leap Program students in a differentiated Connect program throughout Senior Secondary or elect to enter the IB Preparation Programme. Should Junior Secondary Programs of Excellence graduates choose an ATAR Leap Program pathway, they are able to apply to 'Leap' a second subject in Year 10.
Year 9 Graduates from our Spanish Immersion Junior Secondary Program of Excellence will study Year 11 Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority Spanish with their Year 10 Spanish Immersion peers. They will also experience a differentiated Connect program with selected students in either the ATAR Leap Program or the IB Preparation Programme. Year 9 Graduates from our
Mathematics and Engineering Acceleration Junior Secondary Program of Excellence will study Year 11 Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority Mathematical Methods with their Year 10 Math Methods peers. They will also experience a differentiated Connect program with selected students in either the
ATAR Leap Program or the
IB Preparation Programme.
Year 9 Graduates from our
Chinese Acceleration Junior Secondary Program of Excellence will study Year 11 Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority Chinese with their Year 10 peers. They will also experience a differentiated Connect program with selected students in either the ATAR Leap Program or the IB Preparation Programme.
Year 9 Graduates from our Music Acceleration Junior Secondary Program of Excellence will study Year 11 Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority Music with their Year 10 peers. They will also experience a differentiated Connect program with selected students in either the ATAR Leap Program or the IB Preparation Programme.
Years 11 and 12
In Years 11 and 12, students choose one English course from English, Literature, English as an Additional Language or Dialect and Essential English. Students may also choose both English and Literature, and in Year 12, English & Literature Extension. Students generally select five subjects from a comprehensive range of courses in line with their strengths, interests and future plans. Most students choose a Mathematics course from the subjects General Mathematics, Mathematical Methods and Essential Mathematics. Students who do not choose one of these subjects will be required to complete a foundational Mathematics course in Year 11 Semester 1 for Queensland Certificate of Education purposes.
Indooroopilly State High School offers both the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) and the
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) to students in Years 11 and 12. Our Senior Secondary Curriculum is outlined in our comprehensive
Senior Course Guide (PDF, 5.18MB).
Vocational Education and Training
Past student experiences
Our Senior Course Guide features profiles of seven Indro alumni. Maya Lamont, Sophie Barton, Shahmir Ali, Adelina Martinez, Nicole Cheng, Tom Robinson and Lauren Krause talked about their subject choices, career pathways, aspirations and habits that led to success.
Alumni profile: Meg Thomas

QCE Academic Achievers
Indro 2018 graduate Maya Lamont’s Year 12 results placed her ahead of more than 51,000 of her peers from education sectors across Queensland. Maya was announced as Queensland’s Outstanding Academic Achiever when the Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority presented its Queensland Certificate of Education Awards in February 2019.
Indro 2019 graduate Riley Guyatt was recognised as one of the state's top 34 students. Riley, who received a prestigious Tuckwell Scholarship to The Australian National University, was one of 31 students named as Distinguished Academic Achievers at the Queensland Certificate of Education Awards in 2020.
Senior Secondary 2025
Years 11 and 12 Senior Secondary Parent Information Session - 2025.
Parents and carers can access the virtual presentation via this link or watch the video below. The video recording features members of our Indooroopilly Leadership Team delivering key messaging around the Senior phase of learning for Year 11 and 12 students.
We hope you find this informative and valuable. Should you have any further questions regarding the content covered, don't hesitate to use this Survey link. A member of our Senior Secondary support team will respond in a timely way.