We proudly stand for learning, caring for one another and discipline which is based on reciprocal respect. We are a school with an excellent tradition and reputation for student success. We foster high standards of academic and vocational learning; we nurture the abilities of each student; we work with each person to develop meaningful pathways to the future.
Governance of Indooroopilly State High School is overseen by a School Council consisting of eight members. The President of the Parents & Citizens’ Association and the Principal are appointed to the Council, while the two parent, staff and student members are elected representatives. The object of the School Council is to improve student learning outcomes by exercising specified functions for guiding the broad strategic direction of the school.
The current members of the School Council are:
Mr Michael West, Acting Executive Principal
Ms Maryanne Jardine, P&C Association President
Ms Shirin Jamarani, (Chairperson) Parent Representative
Mr Shem Foo, Staff Representative
Ms Larissa Dalton-Morgan, Staff Representative
Miles Ellison, Student Representative Year 12
- Naama Afek Lipinsky, Student Representative Year 11