Our Motto 
A Community of Forward Thinkers
Our Vision
Inspiring students to achieve their personal
We Value
Our Mission
To be a values driven, diverse and inclusive community,
focused on a holistic approach to learning.
Statement of Purpose
Indooroopilly State High School empowers students to contribute to, and enrich, our local and global communities:
Through commitment to forward thinking and lifelong learning, and
Within a challenging and supportive learning environment.
Indooroopilly State High School aims to instil a sense of personal value and autonomy in its students. In our diverse community we strongly believe in knowing our students and being sensitive to their individual needs. By making Open Communication one of our values, we have created a learning community that is constantly evolving and shaping itself to changes within the school, as well as in the outside world.
Each and every one of our students has the ability to learn and the right to do so in the best environment possible. Only in a safe, mutually supportive school can this be achieved. Classroom activities foster a healthy relationship between teacher and student to inspire mutual respect and learning. We believe the evolution of our learning environment should always consider the global and future prospects of our students, and encompass learning experiences that provide enrichment beyond the curriculum.
Perhaps most of all we believe enjoyment and success are the key motivators to learning, and persistence and resilience are critical attributes. Rights and responsibilities are complementary whereby the freedom to make choices and take responsibility for learning develops maturity and the desire to succeed. We welcome you as a partner in this important enterprise.
Download a copy of our Indro Information Booklet (PDF, 2.66MB).
Academic Excellence
Our purpose is to provide challenging and rewarding learning opportunities for all students. Our learning environment provides students with the support and motivation they need to achieve. Students are provided with every assistance to meet the high standards upon which our school is founded.
We focus on responsible behaviour. We expect all students to demonstrate a mature level of self-discipline in the interests of promoting a harmonious learning community. Illegal, anti-social, and disruptive behaviours will not be tolerated. We value a healthy environment.
Pastoral Care
Our care programs cater for the physical, emotional, social and spiritual well-being of every student. Our Student Services is a quality service that is provided by a variety of experienced, caring professionals.
Quality curriculum is our passion and our work. Our curriculum is designed to provide all students with opportunities and choice to equip them for their future lives. Our Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority, International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB) and High School Preparation (HSP) courses are delivered by dynamic, experienced teachers who are highly respected in their fields of study.
Acceptance and Harmony
We value diversity. Our students travel from suburbs throughout Brisbane and from countries across the world to participate in our quality learning programs. All our students benefit from the learning support offered by our caring staff, including our specialist teachers of English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EALD) and our Student Services personnel.