We extend our sincere appreciation to all the students and families who attended our Senior Subject Selection Expo on the 27 July. Your active participation and keen interest in shaping your academic future were truly commendable.

At this pivotal event, our main objective was to provide you with a wealth of valuable information about the diverse range of subjects available, as well as empower you with clear insights and knowledge, allowing you to make well-informed decisions regarding your future learning path.

We acknowledge and express our gratitude to the esteemed universities and Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers who made the Expo an even more enriching experience. Their presence and valuable contributions added immense value to the event, ensuring that you had access to a wide array of educational opportunities.

For those unable to attend the Expo, we have made the presentations available below, so you may still benefit from the valuable information shared.
Which English Subject Should I Choose (PDF, 1.47MB)
IB Year 10 into Year 11 (PDF, 633KB)
2023 Year 9 into 10 Subject Information Evening Information Handout (PDF, 666KB)
2023 Year 10 into 11 Subject Information Evening Information Handout (PDF, 639KB)
Year 9 into 10 2023 Presentation (PDF, 5.4MB)
Year 10 into 11 2023 Presentation (PDF, 5.4MB)
2023 VET Presentation (PDF, 1.9MB)
Post School Options for Students with Disabilities (PPT, 1.8MB)